Should you search for yourself?

We have access to more than what we need today. And yet we feel incomplete. We have a lot but yet, the heart searches for something. Many are in search of something, some are in search of finding out themselves, who they are! It’s a great question. Ramana Maharshi, a great Indian philosopher, and saint also said, the most important question to ask ourselves is, “Who am I?” Constantly discovering ourselves and avoiding getting too attached to any of the labels, judgments, roles, or identities that we don in life. I think it’s a powerful search. 

In the process of this search, how are you being is worth considering perhaps? If one is irritable, impatient, judgmental about the rest, this search might take a mighty long time. And it might create a lot of chaos for self and others. Are we being grateful for whatever we already have in the pursuit of what we want to find? If not, we may be completely missing the point. Without gratitude, we not only miss understanding how beautiful this life is and misunderstand people but also go further away from finding anything meaningful or worth finding. 

To find abundance, one needs to be tuned to abundance, and believe in abundance. Likewise, to find anything, you gotta appreciate and believe in it. Our subconscious mind is more powerful than anything else. It will help you find only what you believe in. If you believe in miracles, it’ll help you locate more miracles. If you believe in the devil, it will help you find more of it. If you are fearful of what you may find, if you are resistant to opening up to the truth, you might just find more masks to shy away from it. 

If you are too particular and have too many criteria on how you want to find what you want to find, then there’s an implication: 

  • If you are already sure of what it is
  • If you are unable to appreciate other lives and others’ efforts around you
  • If you see people as a hindrance to your search
  • If you feel you need something else other than what you have

You are complicating the entire process.

For a seeker who is keen, every situation, every interaction, and every person is seen as an opportunity to further their search. They are open, kind, and considerate. 

A dismissive mindset unfortunately dismisses the very thing that you are searching for from right under your nose. 

In a quest to find something that you don’t understand, know, or have, don’t be dismissive of all the people, and blessings that you already have. It might just be a regret later. All of life is designed to help us find what we need. So, we can’t wish for all of it to go away.

May you find what you are searching for, and may you cherish what you already have. 

Narmada Rao
[email protected]
  • gsriramamurty
    Posted at 04:12h, 29 January Reply

    Very nice,you may discuss at length about seeking to know'”who am I’. God bless you.

    • narmadarao
      Posted at 15:45h, 29 January Reply

      Thank you so much🙏. Sure 🙂

  • arulbob
    Posted at 18:14h, 29 January Reply

    What a brilliant blog! Immense wisdom shared in such easy-to-digest pointers!

  • arulbob
    Posted at 18:18h, 29 January Reply

    And huge congratulations on this fantastic milestone – 200th blog!

  • Aimy
    Posted at 12:23h, 31 January Reply

    Deep , insightful , in such simple words ma’am you have inspired me and so many just profoundly, there’s a gift for everyone in this beautifully written piece , I found mine and that is Who I Am ,which humbles me with gratitude !!

    You are a miracle worker for me and many hearts ♥️


    • narmadarao
      Posted at 17:02h, 31 January Reply

      Thank you so very much Aimy! Very kind of you to say that 🙂

  • Reena Nagesh Tripathi
    Posted at 16:05h, 31 January Reply

    It is true that whatever I feel about other is first in myself. Whatever I want can be given by myself only the others are the just crowd in which we are living moving with each other. After reading this passage I got the more clarity about what the person can think about myself.

    • narmadarao
      Posted at 17:03h, 31 January Reply

      Thank you Reena for sharing your thoughts 🙂

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